Power Tools for Windows (PTW) of SKM Systems Analysis is integrated, modular software for power analysis. The modules use a common project database. A brief description of the most commonly used modules in the Netherlands and Flanders follows.
DAPPER executes among others load flow calculations (including voltage drops and power flows). DAPPER also includes a drawing program for one-line diagrams, a component editor and a library for data entry. All other modules are optional available in conjunction with DAPPER. IEC_FAULT 909 / 363 are two modules for short circuit analysis according to the IEC 60909 and IEC 61363 standards. The IEC 60909 is meant for land installations and the IEC 61363 for ships and offshore. TMS is a state-of-the-art time simulation program to analyze all aspects of motor starting problems accurately. CAPTOR produces time versus current coordination (TCC) drawings and settings of overcurrent and earth fault relays. It lets you coordinate protective devices with interactive on-screen graphics, and provides a comprehensive library. HI_WAVE simulates resonance and harmonic distortion in industrial, commercial, and utility power systems. I*SIM is designed to simulate system response during and after transient disturbances such as faults, load changes, switching, motor starting, loss of utility, loss of generation, loss of excitation, and blocked governor events. DC System Analysis includes battery sizing, DC load flow and DC short circuit calculations (IEC 61660, ANSI 399, ANSI 946). Arc Flash Evaluation calculates the incident energy on certain distance of the arc flash following OSHA, NFPA 70E, NEC 110.16 or IEEE 1584 (recommended). Combined with DC Systems Analysis it can also execute arc flash calculations for dc systems according to NFPA 70E 2012 Annex D.8.1.1. |